There were great electric cars out a few years back.where did they go? The oil money got rid of them, they even came and took all the cars away. See on comcast demand the free movie electric cars ( title I forgot).
My point is this, We have already had great electric cars, but big oil money killed them.You may read about coming cars, but they were up and running, so big oil will kill them to.We had a water powered (power station) the inventor was killed.I saw the U.S. patent office on-line and the invention is there and anyone could make one and power their home, I kid not.A great video on google tells about this, google water power vid, wow.
Again big co. killed the idea and so no one knows of this invention.We hear in the media that we must find alternate power to keep green house gases down ect, yet we have the inventions now and we do not use them, so who wants any clean, non oil power? no one, we would not be at war if this was the case.
This is a hot topic in the media cause the E.U and the U.N. is pushing to cut back on emissions, yet these same people know we have and had alternate power sources for real, hay there would be fewer wars if we used what we already had and know, so as the war continues we see big brother still wants big money from oil.
We must find a way to be independent from foreign oil, this is what we hear on the news, we have the ability, now, today...
But, that would make it so the world would need l;ittle or no oil...think about it and google some of these points, I doubt we will see an electric car again any time sooon.