Like the author of this question, I've been puzzling over the buzz regarding the hydrogen economy as well. But I'm equally puzzled over the enthusiasm surrounding electric cars, at least ones that are plugged into the power grid. As the author and several of the responders fully understand, these two technologies are only as environmentally friendly as the energy source. To me the frustrating thing isn't one car technology versus the other. What frustrates me is why the attention of the media hasn't shifted to the question of eco-friendly energy sources. I think most of the important issues have been captured by the author and many of the responders. But here are a few additional thoughts...
- If the supply chain for hydrogen has the significant inefficiencies that the author points out, then it seems hopeful that market forces will weed out the less efficient alternative. People don't like throwing money down the drain. So I think there is room for optimism.
- One of the largest auto makers has stated that they're keen on hydrogen because it removes the car from the environmental equation. Which isn't the same thing as solving environmental problems. As another reader has pointed out, this just shifts the problem to the hydrogen producer, unless you address the issue of clean sources of electricity and/or hydrogen.
- Why isn't methane also receiving more attention. At the time of the first Earth Day (was that 1970?), I did a report for high school on alternative vehicle technologies. I got some literature from SDG&E regarding their fleet of natural gas powered vehicles. The technology has been in use for decades. Even by the Post Office. Why not more enthusiasm over production of methane via anaerobic digestion of trash, sewage and other biomass? As most of the people responding to this posting will understand, a car running on methane produced from bio-mass is better for global warming than an electric or hydrogen vehicle that derives its energy from a coal-fired plant.
- What really scares me is if the public buys into the hydrogen vision or all-electric vision without fully understanding that this question of "where do you get it" isn't just a detail... it's the real story. We could end up moving on a large scale to burning coal and doing carbon capture and sequestration. Is this really a sustainable solution? For every carbon atom that is captured and returned to the earth this process would capture three atoms of oxygen from the atmosphere, permanently trapping two of those oxygen atoms underground and binding the third oxygen atom into a water mollecule. Do we really want to start scrubbing oxygen from the atmosphere permanently and on a large scale? I really worry over whether the public will get lulled into thinking that they've gone eco just because "nothing but water is coming out the tailpipe", or it's powered by "clean electricity", or our coal-fired plants are now eco-friendly because we've captured the green-house gases.
- Even though powering cars with electricity off the grid doesn't in itself solve anything (unless the power sources are clean), I nevertheless do hope that the car industry moves to cars with electric motor drive-trains. (Hybrids are overly complex.) With electric motors driving the wheels, we can completely de-couple the problem of power delivery to the wheels from the problem of energy source. The car and drive-train become a fixed, known quantity. And the people with the bright ideas can focus upon the competing energy sources: internal combustion or turbines turning generators and powered by diesel, gasoline, ethanol, methane, hydrogen, bio-diesel; photo-voltaic cells; batteries charged up from the grid; hydrogen fuel cells; re-generative braking; capture of waste heat from engines and exhaust to produce additional electricity using thermo-electric technology or such, etc. Then the car companies could concentrate on what they do well... after all cars are a very mature technology and even GM produces a great electric motor that they bought from Paul McCready when they acquired Impact. Wouldn't it be great if the auto companies could just specify the space that the energy source needs to fit into, and all the entrepreneurs could build to that spec... may the best solution win. If we split the problem in two, and let the young innovators come up with the power source(s), and let the auto companies do what they do well, then I think innovation would be greatly accelerated.
- The open source car project has similar thinking regarding the value of de-coupling the power source from the electric-motor drive-train.