Lucifers Puppets Rule
2008-09-03 15:59:56 UTC
To the millions I say this. Stop listening to those over educated fools who tell you that we only have petroleum products to rely on. Now listen? Hydrogen and its counterpart Oxygen simply produced by inexpensive solar electrolysis will fulfill all of our energy needs. We can use it to heat and to cool our homes and generate all our private electrical needs too. You wanna answer this question correctly then it's time to get the word out and tell everyone you know. Big bad oil has gone out of its way to completely suppress this ever growing hydrogen fuel technology for years. Moreover, one more thing of interest that I personally feel is quite prudent at this time. I address it to you, the hard-working taxpaying American citizens who have needlessly been sacrificing your standard of life. Yes suffering in a sense due to the high price of gasoline and diesel fuel. Those who manufacture these items will never embrace hydrogen unless it's foolishly wasted in an idiotic conveyance called a fuel-cell. In conclusion, it's time to embrace a cleaner future with our industry running full tilt once again. On a super flammable highly explosive fuel that produces absolutely no pollution whatsoever in its use.