I read recently about someone asking about the mining of lithium batteries and cars. People posted that they dont use them in cars, but Toyota has had one in production for awhile now, though it uses only a small pack to restart the engine (engine shuts down instead of idling) and to operate all the electrical components. There is also a company in California (Tesla Motors) that offers and all electric car that runs off of lithium. Im really curious to find out how much production it takes to make lithium batteries too. I own a hybrid now and yes, the warrant on it is 100,000 mile, or 10 year. My car is on it's 3rd battery and its 4 years old with about 120,000 miles on it. Just because it's warranted for 10 years does not mean it will last for 10 years. My warranty is up on the car and I do want to get rid of it. I've been thinking about the new diesels out there vs getting another hybrid, but with lithium hitting the market here soon I would rather wait for them. Anyways, original question, how much mining and what is involved in making these batteries? I know they are a lot more expensive, but is this cost becuase it takes more mining and material to extract the lithuim, or because the actual production of the batteries is more complex, anyone know? Can't seem to find anything on the net.