There is one alternative fuel which is ready right now, today. It's electricity. Take a look at this new electric car:
The Phoenix electric pickup truck - using new, advanced Altairnano batteries (based on research from MIT) - can:
-Travel up to 250 miles per charge
-Carry 5 passengers plus cargo at 95mph.
-Charges batteries in as little as TEN MINUTES.
-Has batteries that last 250,000 miles (never need replacement.)
Look carefully, because the battery problems have all been solved. When chargers are installed in service stations, you can drive just like you do every day. Yes, it is a real car - being manufactured right now for fleet customers like PG&E.
Driving on electricity is very cheap. I drive a freeway-capable EV (a very old one.) My cost for electricity is only about a penny per mile, much, much cheaper than gasoline. And electric cars need very little maintenance. Electric motors have only one moving part, and can run for decades with no service. My own 25-year-old EV still has all the original motor parts - which have never needed service in all that time.
All it takes is a little courage, and an adventurous spirit. I bought my EV used from eBay for only $2000, and I've had lots of fun with it (including riding it in local parades.)
Here's how to find cheap EVs: