As a few of the other folks have mentioned, the solar charging systems that are currently available to be mounted on vehicles don't supply enough power for a normal passenger car to do much long distance travel at a practical speed.
With current technology, an Electric car with external solar or electric charging might be more likely to work for day to day use than a purely solar powered car.
But contrary to what someone else on that responded has said "the best" purely solar powered cars can sure do a lot better than 1mph.
In the 2005 North American Solar Challenge, a solar powered specialty car built buy students from the University of Michigan set a record by averaging a speed of 46.2 mph in the world's longest solar car race from Austin , Texas to Calgary , Alberta , Canada .
That U of Michigan car was indeed a single seat specialty car but some other more standard cars have also been built.
One that is just entering the market, even as we speak is being marketed by a company called Zap, the Xebra Xero, an Electric powered car that is available with an optional solar charging system installed. The Chinese made, Xebra electric car has a speed of about 40 mph, a range of around 25 miles per charge, and is priced at about $12,000.
The Xebra may be a little slow, but electric cars sure don't have to be slow. Electric cars have been made into great drag racing cars.
Ordinary People have been making conversion electric cars that work just fine. I don't know what keeps the major American auto makers from getting on the ball and making practical electric cars like the famous EV1 that GM briefly marketed. Stuck on stupid, I guess.