As an idea, powering a vehicle from the sun alone presents some obvious advantages:
1. certainty in your energy source
2. never having to stop for fuel
3. unlimited range as long as the sun is shining
4. no need to depend upon other people or organizations
5. it is free
6. it is non polluting in its operation
7. it is a domestic product and therefore does not require overseas military presence, politics, protection, corruption
However in the real world there are drawbacks:
1. the sun's energy is difuse. Currently available panels are only about 10 to 20% efficient and the cost is high compared to other sources. The combined effect makes it difficult to obtain sufficient energy to comptete with other sources. Multiple solar panels concentrate that power but the sun doesn't shine at night, varies seasonally, with weather conditions and the time of day. As solar panels are best when oriented to the sun, panels on a vehicle will always be less efficient than a stationary or heliostat mounted array.
2. the "fuel" will only last as long as the sun is shining with sufficient intensity. For other times, to capture regenerative braking and for times when acceleration might be required some alternative form of energy storage is desirable. Storage options like flywheels, capacitors and batteries are all a technology in progress. Like photovoltaic panels themselves they will someday have far more capacity than they do currently.
Alternative sources of producing and transmitting energy provide some relief and competition. Fuel cell or generator production will add complexity, cost, and weight to a solar vehicle. Transmission to the vehicle from the roadway or from overhead wires would be an expense, but would eliminate the need for solar power on the vehicle in the first place.
3. Sometimes we take our interdependence too lightly. Having a framework of dependence is one form of security.
4. While the power is free the cost of the equipment is currently very high compared to alternatives.
5. There are several concerns when we consider pollution and new technology. Operational pollution is only one aspect. We also have to be concerned with what will happen to the old equipment we are replacing and what is the manufacturing pollution of the new equipment.
6. There are other domestic options that are more economical feasible than solar power on a vehicle. The nearest currently workable alternative, for anything other than ultra light vehicles, might be a system with fixed solar panels and a battery electric vehicle.