why does everyone like the hybrid?
john m
2007-05-10 14:27:53 UTC
It's a cop-out. Call a dirty tailpipe a dirty tailpipe. There are truly clean purely electric cars available. True, they aren't made by a major car company anymore and some of the nicest ones are conversions, but they are out there and very affordable. is one bad site I just quickly picked up but there are many others I've found.
Four answers:
2007-05-10 17:28:41 UTC
One uses Electric drive Till need for Gas engine.

Then use Electric drive say in Urban setting & Gas for Rural.

Need to refine Batteries & Hybrid drive.

Im Game to the Toyota Camry for 27K.

Im game to drive a Hybrid or own one.

Need more made.

Gas for Long Range, Electric for short range.
2007-05-10 14:52:02 UTC
People like the hybrid because it's a useable alternative. not everyone is in a position where an electric only car is a feasible option - they tend to have a limited range and take time to charge up. Also, while electric cars may at first seem "truly clean" you have to consider the environmental cost of producing and disposing of batteries - which is often many times that of conventional cars (hybrids suffer the same problems) and the fact that the electricity used to power them has to come from somewhere too. there is no such thing as a truly clean car, and when you take all factors into account hybrids and electrics can often be less environmentally freindly than traditionally powered cars. trouble is people are too quick to jump on the band wagon. for most people who want to be as environmentally freindly as possible biodiesel and ethanol powered cars are a much better alternative than either hybrid or electric.
2007-05-10 15:46:44 UTC
An electric car consumes a significant amount of electric energy. The salesman who sold us on solar panels told us that he had solar panels installed on his roof to provide energy for his home and extra capacity with which to charge his electric car (when his arrives). Our existing box and available space on the roof does not allow us to have such a large number of panels installed.

For local driving (which represents most of our car usage), we are very happy with the hybrid. It has made the car affordable to drive because it is a fuel miser. Most of the time we prefer to use bus transportation during the week.

After driving our Prius from SF to Reno over the mountain once and watching the energy supply indicator on the screen turn a pinkish color and drop down to almost no bars, we've been afraid to take the car on another long trip. Even though the mechanic at the dealership assured us the Prius would not stall if all the bars disappeared, I am still afraid it will stall on a long uphill grade with big trucks roaring up the hill around the curve to hit us.
2007-05-10 14:36:41 UTC
I agree with you. But it is better than nothing.

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