electric vehicles are just more pleasent to drive, smooth, quiet, smell free, cheap to run & maintain, simple transmission
refuel at home or work just by plugging in to a renewable energy grid supplier, or own micro-generator.
in UK £0 road tax, £0 london congestion charge, and free parking in some cities like westminster.
the UK "top gear" magazine, notorious tree hating (clarkson has deliberatly driven into trees for the TV) fossil-headed lads mag, just ran 6 pages on the Tesla!! total shock!!! ., with a range of 250 miles per charge, potential 10 minute recharge time the technology is available now, we need the cars on the road now.
we should have evs now, but GM et al have literally crushed them, presumably because, as you say, the gas companies freaked.
evs are far more efficeint well to wheel even if the electric comes from fossil fuel, because infernal combustion ralely run at optimum temperature & load, require refined fuel to be trucked to filling stations etc compared to constantly monitored & maintained large generators sited by the raw fuel.
plus electric motors are more efficient motive source, eg max torque at 0 rpm, hence diesel electric locamotives, no warm up required, no problem with altitude etc.